Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Test update.. again

Today I went to the doctor for my follow up of the Fetal Fibronectin test. I was there for 2 HOURS! I was checked, hooked up to a monitor to check for contractions, and had another ultrasound. What we found today is that my cervix is still closed. Therefore, the doctor does not think that I will be going into labor in the next few days. That being said, I am now high risk and will be seen twice a week until 36 weeks. Which makes me feel better because that way if there is a change, we find it sooner rather than later. The doctor didn't put me on bedrest but said that when I get home from work, I am to become lazy. The most strenuous thing that I can do is wash laundry and fold it. This should be interesting. She also talked with Josh and I about the possibility of a steroid shot. This would mature the babys lungs faster so that in the event that baby comes early, baby is a a decreased risk of having respiratory distress. But she doesn't think that this is necessary at this point. I also got to see why my pelvis hurts so bad... it's because baby is SO LOW! Which is odd because I am still carrying SO HIGH! haha. All in all, it was a good appointment. We aren't out of the woods so to speak, but it's a relief to know that things are going as planned for now. I will keep you posted if there are any changes! Thanks for all the prayers!

1 comment:

  1. hey that baby better stay put a few more weeks!!
