Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Picture Day for Baby Keown

Well, went back to the doctor today!! Baby Keown is doing FANTASTIC! I teared up a bit at the 4D images of that precious little face. I was very happy to see that baby was going to let us see his/her face (since we didn't get to see the last time). It's still a secret as to the sex of baby Keown. Our ultrasound tech (who is also our neighbor) went crazy with the pictures today. I LOVED it. 

Baby Keown is measuring right on time (29 weeks 4 days) and is a WHOPPING 3 lbs. Baby is head down, with that precious head resting comfortably on my bladder. We saw lots of facial expressions and tried our best to figure out who baby looked like... Any ideas?

Josh was so fun to watch during the ultrasound. He was sitting comfortably in his chair until she started showing us the 4D ultrasound and then his hiney was all the way at the front of his chair and he was leaning up as if he couldn't get any closer to the baby. He was in awe of that precious little baby. Finally, after lots of, "wow, do you see that?", "Look how clear it is", "Look at how much more developed the baby is now", He says " I think it's a boy" and we get this almost immediately......

It's almost as if the baby was laughing at him or saying "I'll never tell!". It was so funny. Already making faces at daddys comments!

In other news, there was some concern about my placenta being too low to deliver naturally, that has moved so everything is good there. I passed my glucose test (YES! I can continue to eat my popsicles and ice cream!), and my weight was only up one pound from a week and a half ago. (I think I am expected to gain a pound a week now). Now the only concern is if I am at risk for pre-term labor. While doing the ultrasound, they noticed that my cervix is short. So, I am headed back to the doctor Friday morning to do a test to see if I have a 'hormone' that could trigger pre-term labor. My doctor doesn't seem concerned, but just wants to check. I think if I am positive for the hormone, I may be high risk, and she'll see me in the office more. But she doesn't seem to worried. I will keep you posted. In the mean time, enjoy more pictures of baby.....

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