Friday, April 27, 2012

31 Weeks -Only 9 Weeks to Go!!!

How Far Along: 30 weeks 6 Days (Only 64 days to go!!)
Total Weight Gain: 22 lbs (I feel like that number just shot up over the last couple of weeks!)
Maternity Clothes: Mostly
Stretch Marks: Nope! I can do this!
Sleep: So-so. Sometimes yes and sometimes no
Best Moment This Week: Not going into labor! haha
Miss Anything: Not having to sit on the couch all the time now.
Movement: A ton! And I love it! I can feel body parts now when I push on my stomach. I'm pretty sure I was rubbing baby Keowns legs last night before bed.
Food Cravings: This week, it was McDonald's pancakes. I finally got some this morning, and they were wonderful!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Thankfully not!
Gender: Still a secret! Only God and baby Keown know for sure!
Labor Signs: We had a scare yesterday. I was having some dull back, side and stomach ache and I ended up at the doctors yesterday morning to make sure I wasn't in labor. I think the doctor saw the fear in my eyes when I came in, so she took the time to explain to me that I will have contractions and what they will feel like, and when I should worry. She also told me I just need to make it to 34 weeks, and then we can breathe a little easier. Praying that baby stays in there for AT LEAST that long. Only 3 more weeks.
Symptoms: Waddling like a duck.. or penguin. I'm starting to get uncomfortable all the time. But not miserable. Still enjoying being pregnant!
Belly Button In or Out: Still half and half.. Josh thinks it'll pop out all the way soon.
Wedding Rings On or Off: Still on, but tend to get a little snug as the day goes on.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy. However, I am feeling quite guilty the last few days watching Josh do all the house work. Cooking, cleaning up the kitchen.. I feel like I am abusing him by just sitting on the couch. He told me to relax that he is just fine.
Looking Forward Too: Follow up appointments with the doctor twice a week, just for that reassurance that baby is staying in there a bit longer!!

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