Thursday, April 12, 2012

29 Weeks - A day early

How Far Along: 28 Weeks 5 Days
Total Weight Gain: 14 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Yes. I can still wear most of my pre-pregnancy clothes, but the maternity clothes are A LOT more comfortable.
Stretch Marks: No
Sleep: What's that? I sleep but not good. I toss and turn all night.
Best Moment This Week: I passed my glucose test!! I am very happy about that considering I rave so many sweets. I just knew I was setting myself up for diabetes. SHEW!
Miss Anything: Being able to eat and not have to wonder if I will be able to stomach it.
Movement: All the time! I love it! Baby has found my ribs and right now it's not painful, but I know it will get that way!
Food Cravings: Still fruit... and chocolate.
Anything Making You Sick or Queasy: Still meat. Last night I was nauseous after eating dinner. I hope that it was a fluke thing and not a sign that my morning (evening) sickness is coming back.
Gender:Still going to be a surprise, but have been hearing people say a girl a lot lately.
Labor Signs: Nope. Have had, what I think, may be Braxton Hicks contractions, but I'm not 100% sure.
Symptoms: Feeling like a tug boat? Is that a symptom? I have been doing really good. This morning I did wake up with some round ligament pain, and pain in my lower back. And last night I was queasy, and yesterday I was extremely tired all day. But all in all, I feel good.
Belly Button In or Out: Half and half. The top part is sticking out, and the bottom is still in... it's weird
Wedding Rings On or Off: Still on!
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy
Looking Forward Too: A few things! We are headed to Georgia this evening for my baby shower. Not only am I looking forward to the baby shower, but also seeing friends and family. I haven't seen my parents since before Christmas. I was only about 12 weeks then, and not showing. Also, we have another ultrasound next Wednesday. I am so excited to see baby Keown and get some more pictures!!

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