Friday, April 27, 2012

31 Weeks -Only 9 Weeks to Go!!!

How Far Along: 30 weeks 6 Days (Only 64 days to go!!)
Total Weight Gain: 22 lbs (I feel like that number just shot up over the last couple of weeks!)
Maternity Clothes: Mostly
Stretch Marks: Nope! I can do this!
Sleep: So-so. Sometimes yes and sometimes no
Best Moment This Week: Not going into labor! haha
Miss Anything: Not having to sit on the couch all the time now.
Movement: A ton! And I love it! I can feel body parts now when I push on my stomach. I'm pretty sure I was rubbing baby Keowns legs last night before bed.
Food Cravings: This week, it was McDonald's pancakes. I finally got some this morning, and they were wonderful!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Thankfully not!
Gender: Still a secret! Only God and baby Keown know for sure!
Labor Signs: We had a scare yesterday. I was having some dull back, side and stomach ache and I ended up at the doctors yesterday morning to make sure I wasn't in labor. I think the doctor saw the fear in my eyes when I came in, so she took the time to explain to me that I will have contractions and what they will feel like, and when I should worry. She also told me I just need to make it to 34 weeks, and then we can breathe a little easier. Praying that baby stays in there for AT LEAST that long. Only 3 more weeks.
Symptoms: Waddling like a duck.. or penguin. I'm starting to get uncomfortable all the time. But not miserable. Still enjoying being pregnant!
Belly Button In or Out: Still half and half.. Josh thinks it'll pop out all the way soon.
Wedding Rings On or Off: Still on, but tend to get a little snug as the day goes on.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy. However, I am feeling quite guilty the last few days watching Josh do all the house work. Cooking, cleaning up the kitchen.. I feel like I am abusing him by just sitting on the couch. He told me to relax that he is just fine.
Looking Forward Too: Follow up appointments with the doctor twice a week, just for that reassurance that baby is staying in there a bit longer!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Test update.. again

Today I went to the doctor for my follow up of the Fetal Fibronectin test. I was there for 2 HOURS! I was checked, hooked up to a monitor to check for contractions, and had another ultrasound. What we found today is that my cervix is still closed. Therefore, the doctor does not think that I will be going into labor in the next few days. That being said, I am now high risk and will be seen twice a week until 36 weeks. Which makes me feel better because that way if there is a change, we find it sooner rather than later. The doctor didn't put me on bedrest but said that when I get home from work, I am to become lazy. The most strenuous thing that I can do is wash laundry and fold it. This should be interesting. She also talked with Josh and I about the possibility of a steroid shot. This would mature the babys lungs faster so that in the event that baby comes early, baby is a a decreased risk of having respiratory distress. But she doesn't think that this is necessary at this point. I also got to see why my pelvis hurts so bad... it's because baby is SO LOW! Which is odd because I am still carrying SO HIGH! haha. All in all, it was a good appointment. We aren't out of the woods so to speak, but it's a relief to know that things are going as planned for now. I will keep you posted if there are any changes! Thanks for all the prayers!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Test Results

Well, the results of my fetal fibronectin test are in. Turns out it came back positive. What does that mean? Well, fibronectin is a protein that acts as a 'glue' holding the amniotic sac to the uterus. When you are close to the end of your pregnancy, this protein 'leaks' and that is a signal that labor is near by. So me being 30 weeks pregnant, that's not the BEST news in the world BUT my doctor told me not to panic, that lots of women test positive and carry to term (37+ weeks). 1 out of 3 women deliver within the next 2 to 3 weeks. So we are asking for prayers that baby stays put and doesn't decide to make an early appearance. I go back to the doctor tomorrow to discuss 'what's next' with my doctor. It may be that I am seen 1 or 2 times a week or it could be bedrest, or both. Will keep you all posted!

On another note. .  I spent the weekend 'resting' (or trying too). Yesterday I did 5 loads of laundry... and none of that was mine or Josh's! Babys clothes, blankets and everything else are washed and ready to go and mine and babys bags are packed for the hospital. It was a productive weekend... even if I did spend most of my time on my butt!

Friday, April 20, 2012

30 Weeks .. 10 Weeks to Go!!


How Far Along: 29 weeks 6 days
Total Weight Gain: 15 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I'm preferring them more and more.
Stretch Marks: Nope! Fingers are still tightly crossed!
Sleep: People still do that? I sleep most of the night but every time I roll over my hips hurt and my sciatic nerve is acting up more and more.
Best Moment This Week: Definitely the ultrasound! It was so special in so many ways. One, my friend was our ultrasound tech, which was really cool cause we got LOTS of pictures. Two, it was so neat to see how, in the last 10 weeks, baby Keown has developed SO much and those CHEEKS!!! My goodness I'm in love. And last but not least, and probably the MOST special, is watching Josh's reaction as he watches our baby on the screen. It tugs at my heart strings a bit. He's so love with this baby, more so than I think he ever thought possible, and baby isn't even here yet. It's so so so sweet! I can't wait to see him with baby! He's going to be a great daddy!
Miss Anything: wanting to eat. I think I have gotten to a point where baby is putting so much pressure on my stomach, that I don't want to eat. I eat though. . . a lot.
Movement: ALL the time. I think I have picked up on when baby is sleeping, but for the most part, baby is all over. We saw that in the ultrasound. Baby was all over the place. While I was at the doctor this morning, the doctor actually commented that baby was having a party in there! Maybe the baby is having a sugar rush from the Captain Crunch cereal I ate at 10:30p last night!!
Food Cravings: Still Junk and Fruit! I ate a 12  count box of those red white and blue popsicles in about 3 days.. the first night I ate 6!! Good thing they only have 35 calories each!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nothing that stands out. Meat is not  my friend still.
Gender: Even after 30 minutes of taking pictures at the ultrasound on Wednesday, it still remains a mystery!
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Heartburn, heartburn, heartburn! Some pelvic pain/pressure. And frequent trips to the bathroom. The baby's head wasn't even an inch away from my bladder! Mercy!
Belly Button In or Out: Still somewhat in, somewhat out, but seems to out a little bit more.
Wedding Rings On or Off: Still on!
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy :O)
Looking Forward Too: Getting the nursery completed (hopefully done next week), minus the bed. It's being custom made by my dad. I got a sneak peek of it last night and it's GORGEOUS!!!

In other news:
I went to the doctor this morning to have a fetal fibronectin test done. It's to test if there is a hormone around the cervix that could be a sign of pre-term labor. The doctor said that there is no need to panic and that if it is positive, it just means I'll be seen more often, if it's negative we'll just stick to our scheduled appointments that are currently every 2 weeks until I get to 36 weeks (at that point I'll be seen weekly). So no biggie, just precautionary steps to make sure that me and baby are getting the best care possible! I SHOULD have the results this afternoon, but it may be Monday! Keep ya posted!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Picture Day for Baby Keown

Well, went back to the doctor today!! Baby Keown is doing FANTASTIC! I teared up a bit at the 4D images of that precious little face. I was very happy to see that baby was going to let us see his/her face (since we didn't get to see the last time). It's still a secret as to the sex of baby Keown. Our ultrasound tech (who is also our neighbor) went crazy with the pictures today. I LOVED it. 

Baby Keown is measuring right on time (29 weeks 4 days) and is a WHOPPING 3 lbs. Baby is head down, with that precious head resting comfortably on my bladder. We saw lots of facial expressions and tried our best to figure out who baby looked like... Any ideas?

Josh was so fun to watch during the ultrasound. He was sitting comfortably in his chair until she started showing us the 4D ultrasound and then his hiney was all the way at the front of his chair and he was leaning up as if he couldn't get any closer to the baby. He was in awe of that precious little baby. Finally, after lots of, "wow, do you see that?", "Look how clear it is", "Look at how much more developed the baby is now", He says " I think it's a boy" and we get this almost immediately......

It's almost as if the baby was laughing at him or saying "I'll never tell!". It was so funny. Already making faces at daddys comments!

In other news, there was some concern about my placenta being too low to deliver naturally, that has moved so everything is good there. I passed my glucose test (YES! I can continue to eat my popsicles and ice cream!), and my weight was only up one pound from a week and a half ago. (I think I am expected to gain a pound a week now). Now the only concern is if I am at risk for pre-term labor. While doing the ultrasound, they noticed that my cervix is short. So, I am headed back to the doctor Friday morning to do a test to see if I have a 'hormone' that could trigger pre-term labor. My doctor doesn't seem concerned, but just wants to check. I think if I am positive for the hormone, I may be high risk, and she'll see me in the office more. But she doesn't seem to worried. I will keep you posted. In the mean time, enjoy more pictures of baby.....

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Someone Special is Turning One!!

This is my best friends baby girl. She is turning the big ONE this Sunday. I can't believe it has already been a year. Watching her grow this past year has been so much fun! What's even more fun, is that she will soon have a baby 'cousin' to play with. They have just recently moved from California, back to the East coast and I can't wait to get my hands on her!! Happy Birthday baby girl! From Auntie Bambi and Josh!!

Happy FIRST Birthday!!!

29 Weeks - A day early

How Far Along: 28 Weeks 5 Days
Total Weight Gain: 14 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Yes. I can still wear most of my pre-pregnancy clothes, but the maternity clothes are A LOT more comfortable.
Stretch Marks: No
Sleep: What's that? I sleep but not good. I toss and turn all night.
Best Moment This Week: I passed my glucose test!! I am very happy about that considering I rave so many sweets. I just knew I was setting myself up for diabetes. SHEW!
Miss Anything: Being able to eat and not have to wonder if I will be able to stomach it.
Movement: All the time! I love it! Baby has found my ribs and right now it's not painful, but I know it will get that way!
Food Cravings: Still fruit... and chocolate.
Anything Making You Sick or Queasy: Still meat. Last night I was nauseous after eating dinner. I hope that it was a fluke thing and not a sign that my morning (evening) sickness is coming back.
Gender:Still going to be a surprise, but have been hearing people say a girl a lot lately.
Labor Signs: Nope. Have had, what I think, may be Braxton Hicks contractions, but I'm not 100% sure.
Symptoms: Feeling like a tug boat? Is that a symptom? I have been doing really good. This morning I did wake up with some round ligament pain, and pain in my lower back. And last night I was queasy, and yesterday I was extremely tired all day. But all in all, I feel good.
Belly Button In or Out: Half and half. The top part is sticking out, and the bottom is still in... it's weird
Wedding Rings On or Off: Still on!
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy
Looking Forward Too: A few things! We are headed to Georgia this evening for my baby shower. Not only am I looking forward to the baby shower, but also seeing friends and family. I haven't seen my parents since before Christmas. I was only about 12 weeks then, and not showing. Also, we have another ultrasound next Wednesday. I am so excited to see baby Keown and get some more pictures!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

28 Weeks -Hello Third Trimester!!

(A rutabaga)

How Far Along: 27 Weeks 6 Days
Total Weight Gain: 15lbs (Went to the doctor this morning)
Maternity Clothes: Mostly, but still fitting in pre-pregnancy clothing
Stretch Marks: None
Best Moment This Week: Went to the doctor this morning and heard that precious heartbeat. Baby is now head down!! Let's hope baby Keown stays that way!!
Sleep: So-so. Sometimes I sleep like a rock, other times I lay in the bed starring at the ceiling.
Miss Anything: Not feeling like a tug boat! HAHA!!
Movement: Tons! And I am now even picking up on babys sleep paterns!
Food Cravings: Still just peaches. I have slacked off on the junk food cravings. They are still there, I am just not giving in to them as much.
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Not at the moment. I still dislike meat, but that is nothing new.
Gender: Still a surprise.. any guesses?
Labor Signs: Nope. Have had some cramping here and there but could be braxton hicks.
Belly Button In or Out: Half and half... it's weird
Wedding Rings On or Off: Still on :O)
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy
Looking Forward Too: The baby shower! I can't believe it's next weekend!!!