Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hi Ho Hi Ho Off the AQUARIUM We Go!

This past weekend HG and I, and a couple friends (Heather, Felicia, and Hunter) went to the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga. We had a great time! It was HG's first time and I think she really enjoyed it! Towards the end, I think she had a bit of scensory overload, but all in all I think she enjoyed herself. I just wish I knew what she was thinking when she was nose, to nose, with a fish that was bigger then her!

Hunter and HG on the way to the Aquarium. They weren't one bit concerned about the snow flurries outside! HG was so smittened with Hunter! I think she has her first crush! And he's a great one to have a crush on. He's SO polite! He would make sure she had her wubbanub, and made sure her toys were within reach at all times.

So, So sleepy!

Big H, And baby H checking out the fish. At this point HG was beyond tired. But she was still in such a great mood!

I was trying to take a picture of HG in the buttefly exhibit and didn't realize that my camera was set to video. This is a cute little video though (I hope you can see it). She was trying to be bashful with me!

We ended our day out to eat and then headed back home. It was a really good day. I can't wait to take her back when she knows what fish are and can remember the trip!

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