I no sooner hung up the phone with the nurse, explaining to her that there we no other symptoms besides this 'wet' cough, and I picked Harper Grace up and she was BURNING UP. So after waiting 3 minutes (yes 3 MINUTES) for this stupid thermometer that we
And even though I felt bad for her, I loved every second of the clingy, cuddly baby that she had become with this fever. I'm having a hard time getting used to this "don't touch me I can crawl, pull up, and cruise" independent baby attitude she has developed. Isn't she supposed to be a baby forever? I didn't quite get the memo about how fast this would go.
The next morning we headed to the doctor. They were VERY busy. The doctor told us that they hadn't been this busy with sick kids since Thanksgiving.
I wasn't too worried about what she had, I knew that it wasn't croup. Her cough wasn't THAT bad. So I was SHOCKED when the doctor said that they were testing for RSV, along with the flu. I was thinking 'How could she have gotten RSV?' LUCKILY, both tests were negative. After looking in her ears and throat, she said that they were red and prescribed Ammoxicillin and Zyrtec, for her 'crusty' nose. She wasn't going to do a strep test, but we asked her too so that we would know for sure. That test was negative. I took my sick baby home and we played.
She did good through the weekend, but Tuesday morning, we found ourselves back in the doctors office. No fever, but the cough wasn't improving, and she just didn't feel good. Her ears were cleared up, but they decided to put her on a stronger antibiotic to get her throat to clear up. Worked like a charm! My baby is back to her happy, non-clingy, independent self.
With the warmer weather that we have been having, I was sure that Spring was here to stay. Boy was I wrong. It's been cold the last two days. I am so ready for Summer. But I'm not rushing it, because that means that we are closer to my baby girl turning One. The last 8 1/2 months have gone by so incredibly fast. It's unreal.
Anyway, back to the Spring weather. We took Harper Grace to the park on a warm-ish day. This was her first time at the park. We made sure to keep her ears covered because she had been sick and one of her problems was her ears.
She. Loved. It! She was all smiles while daddy pushed her. I LOVE how she has a death grip on the metal part and the leg part.
Aunt Lindsey and I snapped pictures while daddy pushed. We were all enjoying watching her swing, and watching her watch other kids, and then it happened... before we could stop her, she started chewing on the swing. I almost died. SO DISGUSTING! Who knows what other kids' germs are on there, and environmental nastiness, and .. just ew! I quickly removed her from the swing and we went down a few slides. We eventually ended up back at the swings, but I was on high alert for possible mouthing. It's a good thing she was already on antibiotics.
And just as an FYI, any time someone tells you 'You HAVE to try this sandwich' and then tells you that the sandwich is a grilled peanut butter, marshmallow fluff, and bacon sandwich... just take their word for it and don't try it yourself. It wasn't worth the $8 that's for sure!
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