Thursday, October 25, 2012

Harper Graces Favorite things-3 months

Toys are becoming an all day everyday must have for us now and it is so much fun to watch her play!

Bright Starts Pretty in Pink Pull and Play Pig. You pull the pigs tail and it wiggles (vibrate) around. Harper Grace loves to feel the vibration from the pig, and also chew on her. The ears of the pig have a material in them that make a noise like a grocery bag.

Harper Grace loves to hold on to these. They are great for keeping her entertained for awhile. And chewing on of course.

Her carseat bar. When you press the cats nose it plays music and flashes. She loves to watch the light flash. I, however, do not like this toy so much. When you put it on the carseat it is RIGHT in her face. Almost to the point that it has to be unfortable for her to look at. So I let her enjoy it in her lap or in front of her during tummy time.

And she is still enjoying things from month 2 as well. (Wubbanub, moby wrap, swing, jungle gym play mat, and her rock n play sleeper).

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