Friday, June 7, 2013

11 Month Update

11 Months Old
Weight: At least 20 pounds
I still can't believe that this sweet girl is 11 months old. She is the best baby. Rarely cries, goes to bed on her own, takes a nap on her own, holds her bottle, crawls and pulls up on everything, is a professional cruiser, and took her first step on her 11 month birthday.
Last night, Josh and I were working with her, trying to get her to walk again. She is so close. If she doesn't think about it, she will take a few steps, but if she is focused on walking, then she will either sit down, or just dive towards you. Soon enough, we will have a runner on our hands.
A couple weeks ago, I bought her  a walker and she couldn't figure out how to go forward. She was going backwards so much, that I told Josh that we needed to have a back up beeper for her. This week, she figured out the forward motion. The only thing is, she hates the walker. I guess she feels like she is being held back. Miss Independent. So, I guess I'll be taking the walker back.
11 month favorites:
Still loves her Wub. She has one for 'on the go' and the other stays in her bed. I am trying to get her to only have it in the car or at sleep times... not going so great so far. But we just started.
She LOVES these Stacking Cups. I'm seriously considering buying more for her. She just can't get enough of them. She has a set that she plays with at the farm, and then some for the bath tub.
The girl is obsessed with books! She doesn't have many, and for her birthday we are requesting books with a special message on the inside cover, instead of cards. I figure, birthday cards will be read once or twice, but books will be read over and over.
She is also loving her 'my first photo album' that she got for Christmas.
The girl has a boat load of toys. I'm sad to say that some of them she is 'growing out of' and rarely plays with them.
All in all, she is fantastic and I couldn't have wished for anything better to happen to Josh and I. I feel like I am complete now. I have my wonderful husband, and my amazing baby girl. I'm feeling very blessed!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Serious Business

Today HG is 11 months old. I plan on taking her 11 month pictures tonight. Then I will update the blog, on time, with the pictures and monthly things.

I just needed to write a short post to tell the world (or my few followers), that HG just took her first step! She had just finished eating lunch, I was putting her down in the floor and she wanted to stand (like usual), so I let go of her and watched to be sure that she wasn't going to fall. She stood there for a minute or so and then it happened, one step forward. Which was followed by her laughing and sitting down. I think she got a little nervous.

I am doing my best to get it on video. Of course, now she doesn't want to do it and just keeps looking at me and laughing. Stinker!

My heart was pounding for her!! I'll update later!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


This weekend I made a cake for the first time in a year and a half. It felt great. I have really missed decorating cakes. I was unsure of how it was going to go with having to care for HG and make a cake. Luckily, after we got home from the grocery store, she decided to take a two hour nap. That allowed me to get the cake baked, make 3 batches of icing, and get all the fondant rolled out and cut. Oh, and get all the dishes done.

When she woke up, I had her lunch ready and put her in her high chair. While she was eating, I iced the cake. Josh got home about the time she was done with lunch and he was able to take her and keep her occupied while I worked on the cake. I had to pause to give her a snack and then get her down for her second nap. The cake took me 6 hours and I am so thankful that he was there to help me. Otherwise, who knows how long it would have taken.

The cake was for a baby shower that was on Sunday. The theme was "Two Peas in the Pod". The mother-to-be is expecting twins in September. And she isn't finding out the gender of the babies. I love that more and more people aren't finding out what they're having. It truly is a wonderful surprise. If I had to do it over again, I would stick to not knowing. It was so exciting hearing the doctor say "It's a girl!".

Anyways, here is the cake! It was delicious!

Monday, June 3, 2013

9/10 Month Update -Late

Better late than never, right? Month 9 and 10 for HG have been busy. She has been talking up a storm, crawling in super fast mode, getting in to every thing, and still managing to be the cutest baby ever.

I will say, it is getting MUCH harder to take these monthly photos. Getting her to sit still is almost impossible, and then I have to try and get her to leave the sticker on her shirt. YEAH RIGHT! I just have to snap a picture as quickly as possible and hope it turns out ok.

At her 9 month doctors appointment, we got nothing but compliments, and warnings. The compliments were on how well she was doing. The doctor was concerned that she wasn't clapping her hands, that is until I told her that she knows where her head, belly and feet are, listens when we ask her to go get a toy and plays 'bashful' when she is near a stranger. Apparently, all these things are things that happen between 14-18 months. So we got praise on how smart she is, and then came the warnings. She told us that when babies are 'ahead' and catch on quickly they are harder to break of habits, and will throw temper tantrums sooner. Great. Taking the wub away is going to take an act of congress. I just know it. Oh well. Those are minor things. Until the temper tantrums happen in the toy aisle at the store. At which point I will still claim this oh so cute child of mine.

This year is going by fast and first birthday party planning is in the works!