Friday, September 21, 2012

Harper Graces Favorite Things - 2 Months Old

I thought that it would be neat to look back in this blog and see what Harper Grace's favortie things were month by month. So here is a list of the things she loving at two months old...

Her Wubbanubs. We keep the duck in her diaper bag for on the go, and the frog we use at nap time and bed time. She doesn't always take them but the help out occaisionally.

 Her Rock N Play Sleeper. This thing has been a life saver. She won't sleep in a pack n play and her crib is not put together (again due to the move), so this was the next best thing. It makes her feel like she is being cuddled but keeps her safe. I also like that she is sitting up a bit in this sleeper because the thought of her spitting up in her sleep still scares me.

Her 'Jungle Gym'. She loves looking at the colors. And she actually does her tummy time on this too. It has the mirror and ball at the end of it to encourage her to look up.
 We'll call this.. THE BABYSITTER. In my earlier post I mentioned that I hold Harper Grace a lot. Therefore, Harper Grace feels that when she is sleepy that she needs to be rocked to sleep and then held (the weird thing is, is that this is only during the day, at night she goes to sleep no problem), well, when I put her in the swing she fusses for a few minutes and then she is out like a light. I usually only put her in the swing when she is tired because she is spending most of her playtime on the floor. Love this thing!

And last but certainly not least, and probably HER most favorite thing. The Moby Wrap. She's a very happy baby in this thing. She naps like a champ and I am able to get a lot of stuff done! And why wouldn't she like it? It looks to cozy!

2 Months Old

2 Months old
Septmeber 5, 2012
Height: 24 inches (95%)
Weight: 11 lbs 14 oz (75%)
(Seems as though our H is tall and skinny)
Boo Boo, Baby Girl, Sugar Bear, Frog,Tree Frog
New Things:
Smiles all the time
Talks .. a lot
Blows bubbles
Things I like:
My floor mat jungle gym
Trying to watch TV (but mommy won't allow it!)
Napping in her moby wrap while mommy works
Playing with daddy and talking to him
Things I Don't Like:
Shots (Even though I think it hurt my feelings more than hers)
Being in the car for too long
This Month We:
I started working this month for a friend on their families farm. I am helping in the office and the best thing ever is that Harper Grace gets to go with me. I usually go in around 9am and leave between 1pm and 3pm depending on what all I have to do. Harper Grace is such a GREAT office mate. She sleeps (in her Moby) from 9:15am to about 1-1:30pm.
When we aren't at work, Harper Grace is spending a lot of time on the floor playing. I don't allow her to watch tv but I turn the Nick Jr or Disney channel on so that there is positive noise in the background. Can't go wrong with educational songs playing, right?
She is such a good baby. She only cries when she needs something, changed, or fed or is tired. She is a bit clingy to me but I'm almost positive that, that has something to do with me breastfeeding. Or so I am told.
One thing that I have learned about being on mom, is that I do A LOT of things that I said that I wouldn't do. Examples, She has a paci, no more like A LOT of paci's. Two of which are Wubbanubs (which are pretty neat), she mysteriously ends up in the bed with us in the middle of the night, I hold her a lot and sometimes tend to hog her from anyone else holding her, I baby talk to her. Not bad things that I am doing, just things that I said I'd never do. Oh well, we aren't planning on having anymore babies so I am going to enjoy every second with this little girl. And if she is spoiled and cries and wants her momma all the time, that's ok. At least she knows that she is loved!
Mommy and Daddy love you baby girl!

One Month Old

Harper Grace
Height: 21.5 Inches (75%)
Weight: 10 lbs (75%)
Nicknames so far: Sugar Bear, Boo Boo (NOT Honey Boo Boo), H, Frog
This past month has been amazing. Who would have thought that such a tiny person could change you life so much.
This month H has learned about tummy time, and that she hates it. Every time we put her on her stomach she screams! She does lift her head but not as much as she screams.
She smiles all the time! I LOVE that toothless grin so much. It is the most amazing thing to wake up every morning to a huge smile on such an innocent face.
She is also making more sounds. One of her favorites is ooo and aaa goo.