How Far Along: 39 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 33 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Mostly
Stretch Marks: Some on my sides and some on my belly. A
small price to pay :O)
Sleep: I had been sleeping ok until last night. I woke up at 3:15am
for my normal bathroom break, and then I couldn’t go back to sleep. I laid in
the bed until about 3:30am and then decided that instead of laying there
tossing and turning and potentially messing with Josh sleeping, I decided to go
downstairs. I watch TVLand until about 5:15am and then fell back asleep until
6:00am when it was time for me to get up.
Best Moment This Week: I’m loving all the attention that Josh is
giving the bump. He is so excited for baby to come and just keeps rubbing my
belly and talking to baby.
Miss Anything: My body. I know it will not ever be like
it was before pregnancy, but I don’t even remember what it feels like to not be
Movement: Still Tons. This baby is on a mission! There seems to always
be some sort of movement in there!
Food Cravings: Chocolate Milk.
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Chicken. And most recently the thought of
eating breakfast. Nothing sounds good right now.
Gender: Still a secret :O)
Labor Signs: I’ve been having the usual, Braxton hicks,
sharp shooting pains in my pelvis, but yesterday and last night I wasn’t
feeling good and it was because I was crampy, and achy, and some of my Braxton
hicks contractions came with cramping/pinching. Just getting closer to baby
being here.
Symptoms: Achy, cramping, swelling, waddling, I’m very tired, and not
motivated to do a whole lot ever.
Belly Button In or Out: Out. Josh said it looked like one of those
lollipops that the munchkins have in The Wizard of Oz.
Wedding Rings On or Off: Off.
Looking Forward Too: Still just looking forward to having baby
Keown and finally getting to know if we have a baby boy or baby girl.