Friday, March 30, 2012

27 Weeks -The Last Week of the Second Trimester

How Far Along: 26 Weeks 6 Days
Total Weight Gain:8-10 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Yes
Stretch Marks: No
Sleep: Seem to be sleeping well, however, I feel like I am starting to get more tired. Not as bad as the first trimester. But still seem to be more sleepy during the day.
Best Moment This Week: When Josh felt the baby kick really hard. The moment and Josh's reaction were PRICELESS!
Miss Anything: Laying on my belly.
Movement: Tons! Baby has been moving so much lately. It's incredible. I also think that baby is head down. I have tiny little 'flutters' in my lower belly and then the huge kicks are at the top and on my right side. We'll see!
Food Cravings: Fruits and chocolate. ( I need to get away from this chocolate craving).
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Just meat sometimes.
Gender: Still unknown :O)
Labor Signs: I have had some slight cramping.. not sure if it is Braxton Hicks or just a cramp. But all in all still going strong!
Symptoms: Mostly just feet and ankles swelling. DAILY.
Belly Button In or Out: Still in
Wedding Rings On or Off: Still on
Happy or Moody Most of The Time: Happy. It helps that I have a goofy husband. He keeps the giggles going :O)
Looking Forward Too: My next ultrasound. Just want to see the precious baby again.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Infant CPR and Safety

Last night, Josh and I had Infant CPR and Safety. This class turned out to probably be the best one that we have taken. We learned a lot about keeping baby safe and also what to do if baby is choking or not breathing. I hope that we never have to use the techniques that we learned.

As you can see in the picture above, we had an African American baby. Which obviously is NO problem. Well my husband being the jokester that he is, says for all the class to hear "do you need to tell me something?!" All I could do is laugh at him. He's such a nut! And then, I told him that I need a picture to document this class for us and baby later. So this is what I get....

He is something else.

Oddly enough, when the instructor started the video to teach us the step for CPR, Baby Keown decided to have a dance party. And after the incident the night before (Josh getting a swift kick in the hand), I nudged him and told him to watch my belly. That was a mistake! We couldn't stop watching my belly and pay attention to the video!! It was so crazy to just see my stomach "hop" in random places as our baby moved around and adjusted and kicked and punched. It was very interesting to watch, both the baby moving in my belly, and Josh's face as he witnessed again, how far baby has come from those sweet little flutters he once felt.

Well, now all the baby classes are done for us. We decided not to do birthing classes. We kind of feel that, that is what the staff of labor and delivery are there. They are trained to let us know what is going on and help us in any way. I've read up on things to kind of 'expect' while in labor, from beginning to end. And with every labor and delivery being different, we've just decided to not to the birthing classes. Hopefully we don't regret this. So, we have an appointment to meet a peditrician tomorrow and then nothing else, besides doctors appointments, for us until baby gets here.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Swift Kick in the...... Hand?

Last night, Josh and I were sitting on the couch watching TV. We had just eaten dinner. I had a VERY active baby and I kept pushing on the top of my stomach (almost under my ribs) and baby was kicking back. After several minutes of watching me, Josh finally asked what I was doing. So I told him to come over a put his hand on my belly. He placed his hand on my belly and I put my hand on top of his and pushed down. About 30-45 seconds later, baby Keown gave him a swift kick in the hand. Josh jumped out of his skin. It was the funniest thing I think that I have ever seen! He was freaked out big time. He did laps around the house just repeating, Oh my, what in the world, that's just CRAZY. HAHAHA. I laughed until I cried! He doesn't usually like to push on my stomach. He says that we need to leave baby alone because he/she may be sleeping, so he hasn't felt the baby move since I was around 18 weeks. At that point they were only tiny flutters. He must not have believed me when I told him I have a little ninja baby in my belly. I'm still laughing hysterically at the thought of the look on his face. For the rest of the evening he looked at me as if I had offended him in some way. It was so funny. This morning he admitted that it was pretty neat but 'scared' him none the less. Poor guy. Kicks and punches are only going to get stronger.

Friday, March 23, 2012

26 Weeks *And other updates*

How Far Along: 25 Weeks 6 Days
Total Weight Gain: Still around 8lbs
Maternity Clothes: Yes
Stretch Marks: Nope. Fingers crossed.
Best Moment this Week: Interviewing a choosing someone to watch the baby in their home.
Miss Anything: I'm pretty content this week. No major aches or pains.
Movement: Tons. This sweet baby can't move enough.
Food Cravings: Still juicy fruits. Peaches mostly this week. And decaf frozen coffees. YUM.
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: No. Still have my issues with meat, but all in all, doing pretty well.
Gender: Only time will tell.
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Swollen Ankles and feet. Even my toes are swelling. Wednesday morning I got a 'charlie horse' in my calf. That was pretty miserable.
Belly botton in or Out: Honestly, it's half in and half out.. it's the weirdest thing.
Wedding Rings on or off: Still on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. I'm tired this week but I have been staying up late and I've been walking more, so I think that, that is making me kind of tired.
Looking forward too: Next week we have Infant CPR and Safety class, and we are interviewing a pediatrician.

In other news:
    I learned a valuable lesson on Saturday. At 6 and half months pregnant, even though I have energy as though I am not pregnant, I need to remember I am pregnant; and my body didn't hesitate to remind me. After a day of scrubbing the house on Saturday, I didn't sleep Saturday night and everytime I moved my back popped. Same thing on Sunday. I had all the energy in the world, but forced myself to lay on the couch all day and rest my exhausted body.By Monday morning, the pain in my back and hips was significantly less. Thank goodness. Moral of the story (and after a 'lecture' from Dr. Mom), I need to slow down. I am now into my seventh month, and although I am feeling good, I need to remember what is going on. So, I have asked Josh to help me with cleaning and such around the house. I'm sure my body will thank me. If nothing else, I just won't hurt as bad.

    This week my ankles and feet have been swelling a bit more. I know it's because I sit at a desk all day at work because they do not swell on the weekends. In an attempt to keep this from happening or keeping it to a minimum, I have started walking on my lunch breaks. It's helping but I am still swelling. At my last appointment, my doctor said it was normal and to only watch for other symptoms, swelling hands and face, as this could be a sign of preeclampsia. So I have been watching my 'kankles' like a hawk. Making sure the swelling goes down at night (and it does) and making sure I drink enough water. (I think I'll ask my manager if I can just move my desk into the bathroom). Josh even built a little foot rest to go under my desk so that my feet are elevated. Today is the first day that I am using it, so we'll see how it works.

    Last night I had another class, breastfeeding 101. Just when you thought that you knew everything that you needed to about something, you attended a class to find that you knew nothing at all. HA! Josh did not go with me. I told him he didn't have too, and then I get there and there were other daddy's there. Made me miss him a bit, but I did tell him he didn't have to go. I went with a friend anyway. We watched a video, went through slideshow and even practiced with baby dolls the way to properly hold a baby while feeding. I left with more knowledge about the situation and a sense of "I can do this". I know it's going to be hard, but I have readin materials, and the phone numbers to the lactation consultants in the hospital, and around town. I can do this.

   This week, we also interviewed a lady to watch baby Keown. I know that this must be a hard thing for all new parents. The thought of dropping this tiny baby, whom I have not even met yet, off with a stranger is TERRIFYING to me. So many thoughts run through my head and all the 'what ifs'. We found out about Ms. Brenda through a good friend of ours who have a 3 year old and went to Ms. Brenda up until last year. First plus she had, she's close to our house. I'll have to go 'away' from work to get to her, but not far. Second plus, upon arriving at her home, it looked clean from the outside. Third, when you walk to the back of the house, to get to the 'daycare', there is a HUGE fenced in back yard, with a swing set, lots of little houses, and riding toys and balls and just a play oasis for kids. She also had a cute little sign that read "Brenda's patty-cake daycare". We went in and Ms. Brenda and her husband were sitting there waiting on us. (We went 'after hours' so there was only one child there who was quietly reading a book). They greated us with smiles and hand shakes and asked that we get comfy. We through the usual things, what she does with the kids, how many she can have at one time, drop off and pick up times etc. Before I knew it, Josh was talking business with her husband, I was taking a tour of the 'daycare' and after an hour and a half, she had made me feel as though leaving my tiny little baby with her, was the best thing I could do. She is very grandmother like, and loving. She answered all of our questions, and all in all, just a sweet lady. Her licenses were displayed on the wall for us to see. She explained what being state certified meant for her. She has to attended conferences and monthly and sometimes weekly meetings and trainings. All of which cost her money. All in all, a very nice, warm, loving lady. Josh went to meet with her again yesterday and let her know that we will be using her. Shew, one more thing to mark off the to-do list.

   That's just about all this week. Looking forward to the weekend and enjoying this nice weather. Even if it is going to rain. I'll take 70 degrees and raining over 30 degrees and snowing any day.

Happy Friday. Go enjoy this gorgeous day.

Friday, March 16, 2012

25 Weeks -Time is flying by

It's so hard to believe that this pregnancy is progressing as quickly as it is. I am so anxious to meet baby Keown, but at the same time, I'm really enjoying being pregnant. So bitter sweet.

How Far Along: 24 weeks 6 days
Total Weight Gain: 6-8 lbs I'm making better choices with what I eat. I'm sure baby misses all of the desserts though.
Maternity Clothes: Yes. I am still able to wear most of my pre-pregnancy clothes, however, I think that I am going to hang up my prepregnancy jeans, because they are not longer comfortable. I didn't realize how comfy the maternity jeans would turn out to be.
Stretch Marks: Still none, fingers still crossed!
Best Moment This Week: Feeling baby move all over my belly. Not just in my lower stomach. Baby is growing so much. Also, recording baby Keown kicking daddys cell phone on my belly.
Miss Anything: Not having pelvis and hip pain. Everytime I roll over at night, get out of bed, get up from sitting or just move my legs, my pelvis hurts. I can usually get up and walk and it eases but it's been going on all week. I guess my body is just getting ready for baby. :O)
Movement: So so. Baby had a couple of days of being lazy. Just a few kicks and nudges here and there, however, the last couple of days my ninja baby is back in action. The kicks and punches are getting strong too. Baby actually woke me up the other night kicking my side to the point it tickled. I woke Josh up giggling in the middle of the night. It was pretty neat.
Food Cravings: Lots'O'Fruit. I think I have eaten and entire bag or green and red grapes. Still just want juicy fruits. Peaches are still VERY high on the list of things I want most, and Josh and I enjoyed at VERY delish cantaloupe. YUM YUM.
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nothing new. Just meat. I did manage to eat chicken this past weekend. Even though it wasn't much. I found that Josh grilling it, makes it a little more appealing to me. Still not my favorite though.
Gender: Still unknown. A lot of people have been telling me, still this week, that it's a girl. We'll see!
Labor Signs: None yet. I did read in my book last night, though, that Braxton Hicks Contractions could start at any time now.
Symptoms: Hip/Pelvis pain, some aches and pains in my lower back, almost at my tail bone, I'm now officially waddling but I don't think it's because I'm so big, I think it is because of my discomfort in my hips, and I'm not sleeping really well, I tend to toss and turn all night. But all worth it!
Belly Button In or Out: In still but almost completely flat. I think It'll come on out.
Wedding Rings On or Off: Still on
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy. I did have a melt down the other night, but I'm pretty happy.
Looking Forward Too: Breastfeeding class next Thursday. Should be interesting. Hope I learn lots.

Artwork for Baby

So here are the monkey pictures that I painted for baby Keown's nursery. The background is not that blue, it's more of a teal but I took these pictures at night. These pictures will hang above the babys changing table.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Forward

I think this weekend flew by faster than ever. You know it has been a short weekend when you wake up on Sunday and think that it is Saturday. Maybe it was because we stayed busy, or maybe it was the time change. Regardless it was a good weekend.
Friday night we went to eat with some friends about 30 minutes away. That was at 8:00pm. We didn't get home until 1:00am. My goodness were we trying to hold on to our youth or what?! At 1:30am Josh noticed that not only my ankles but my feet were swollen. He spent 15 minutes rubbing my feet and ankles. It was amazing. I couldn't thank him enough.
Saturday we just lounged around the house, and I decided I needed to go to the grocery store. Josh doesn't usually go with me, but he insisted on going. And I went to Wal-Mart... Josh HATES Wal-Mart. He was such a trooper though! When we got home, we lounged some more, and I painted some art work for baby Keown's room (will post pictures soon). Followed by more lounging.
Sunday we slept kind of late. Got up, had breakfast and decided that since it was so beautiful, that we would go fishing. After 9,000 nibbles and no catches, I was bored but followed Josh around the pond trying his best to catch a fish. It was a beautiful enough day, that it didn't bother me. I even got some sun on my neck (I'm a redneck officially now, HA).

I was too lazy at this point to follow Josh any further (Note: we are across the street from our house fishing, and he was headed back home), so I snapped a few pictures. This picture makes me laugh because when I see it, the Andy Griffith theme song comes to mind! I eventually caught up with him, it just took some self motivating to put one foot in front of the other.
A little later, after we got back home and I rested a bit, we decided to grill some chicken (which is not my friend right now, but I was will to give it a try). And Josh had his back turned towards me and turned to see this.....

I wish that instead of me capturing pictures of the broom, that I would have snapped a picture of his face. It was priceless. Now we all know that this can be done ANY time, and that it has nothing to do with the planets aligning or whatever the thought is. But I really don't think anyone expects to turn around and see a broom standing straight up in the middle of the porch. HAHA.

After eating and relaxing a bit more (I'm lazy). I finished painting the baby's room. YAY!!! It's all done! Now to move in furniture and hang babys new artwork and get the rest of the furniture. So scary but baby will be here! Only 110 days to go!

Welp, off to the rest of my Monday. Have a good week everyone!

Friday, March 9, 2012

24 Weeks

How far Along: 23 Weeks 6 days
Total Weight Gain: 8lbs (Which I got in trouble for).
Maternity Clothes: Still wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes, but going clothes shopping today. Things are getting a little snug.
Stretch Marks: None!
Best Moment This Week: Our doctors appointment and hearing the babies heartbeat (always my favorite) and going to Baby Care Basics class with Josh. It was fun to see him in action. :O)
Miss Anything: Being comfortable.
Movement: Lots. A lot of baby not knowing which side of my belly he/she wants to be on, and lots of ninja kicks to the bladder.. those are ALWAYS fun.
Food Cravings: Fruit and chocolate.
Anything Making You Sick or Queasy: Still just meat. And some mac & cheese. Velveeta is still good though.
Gender: Still unknown. And that feeling of thinking it's a boy, has left... I really don't know what baby Keown could possibly be.
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Just being uncomfortable. My hips have been hurting, pelvis, and my stomach hurts like I've been pushing it out. Some back pain. But all worth it. And still some swelling in the ankles, which the doctor told me is ok, and will continue to happen.
Belly Button In or Out: Still in.. but I don't know for how much longer. You can officially see it through my shirt. (Thank you Josh for pointing that out!)
Wedding Rings On or Off: Still on
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy. I have had some 'blah' days or tearful days, but I think that, that is to be expected. There is a lot going on in there.
Looking Forward Too: My next baby related class. Breastfeeding 101. Not sure if Josh will attend or not. And of course, i am getting more and more excited for the baby shower.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Baby Care Basics

Last night Josh and I attended our first baby class, Baby Care Basics. I've been around babies and kids all of my life, but obviously have never had one of my own. So I wasn't sure what they would teach me, but I also had a few questions about some things that I wasn't confident about. Boy was I glad we went to that class. There were SOOO many things that I didn't know. I don't think I have ever taken so many notes. It was like I was preparing for the largest test of my life. Which it may still be, I don't know.

The class was from 6:30pm to 9pm. Needless to say, I was pooped afterward. We covered so much material. From changing diapers, to bathing the baby, to what it might look like after delivery.There was information about breastfeeding, bottle feeding, soothing a crying baby, looking for signs of Colic, dealing with a colic baby. I feel like I should have taken a recorder. Then, for Josh's favorite part, a portion of the presentation was done while a recording of a baby crying was playing. I thought he was going to lose it! He said he wished he had brought his ear plugs! HAHA. It was so sweet to see all the dads in there participating and soaking up every ounce of information that was given to them! Josh included.

This was our baby. We actually had a happy baby. Some had grumpy babies, or baby's with questionable expressions. There was even one baby doll that was older and yellowed, just from the wear and tear I'm sure these dolls get, and the instructor used that baby as an example of a baby with Jaundice. Jaundice is in no way a laughing matter, I know, but it was funny that we had an example there in the class. Along with our baby, we had a stack of laundry. A hooded towel, a blanket, two wash cloths, a diaper and a folder with a ton of reading material, that also included a magnet, stickers, key chain, and 'credit card' type card to put in your wallet with information for poison control and such. I was a lot of information. So much that I think I will have to go home tonight and actually read up on some things.

This is Josh with his very first swaddled baby. Not only did he swaddle the baby, he told me that I swaddled the baby wrong, so he re-swaddled the baby when I was done.

*Note to self.. Josh can be the swaddler in the family*

He posed for this photo op when he was done. He was so proud. Don't let that look on his face tell you any differently.

Josh's very FIRST diaper change!! I let him do all of this since he has never changed a diaper EVER and I've probably changed a gazillion from my brothers, being a nanny, etc. Diapers don't scare me. I've got this. He made sure that, that baby girl was all cleaned up. When placing the diaper back on the baby, I tried to help him because had it been a real baby, and pooped, we might have lost some out of the back. He swatted at me and said that he would fix it. He then proceeded to make sure and fold down the from of the diaper, away from the baby so that the outside of the diaper did not scratch the baby or rub the skin, and close the tabs. That way, the diaper was not rubbing on the baby's umbilical cord. How thoughtful of him. And what a happy baby!

We watched a video for the majority of the program, and the instructor would pause it, and that's when we would do our 'tasks' and she would elaborate a bit more on things that were covered in that chapter of the video. One of the things that stood out to me the most, and I don't know why, is when you are unable to console your baby; You've done EVERYTHING you know to do, and gone down your 'check list' to make sure that baby is OK, and sometimes you just can't console the baby. So this man on this video, walks into his babies room, puts the baby in her crib, walks out of the room, and SHUTS THE DOOR!! My heart shattered. I had tears in my eyes because this man shut the door on his crying baby. I understand that you sometimes have to just 'walk away' and cool off or you could lose your patience. But really, do we have to shut the door? I don't know why this hurt my feelings so much, but it did break my heart.

Other things in this video, stood out to Josh. He was uncomfortable watching these mothers breastfeed. He said he felt like it wasn't OK for him to watch, so he'd look away, only to find that everyone else in the room, was completely fixated on the video! HA! I told him it was OK, it's just part of it. Poor guy. Needless to say, he won't be attending my breastfeeding 101 class with me. I think that the umbilical cord kind of got to him as well. There were a few people in there that would squirm in their seats at the sight of the umbilical cord. Somehow, nothing about this entire process, seemed to bother me. From birth, to breastfeeding, to the approximate amount of dirty diapers, to the umbilical cord, and spit up... just that man putting the baby in the bed and closing the door. Needless to say, I don't think baby Keown is going to have to worry about me shutting the door on him/her. HAHA

So, last night was eventful, tiresome, educational, and made the fact that we are having a baby, a little more real. Josh told me on the way home last night, that he can't wait for baby Keown to get here. That just warms my heart so much. What a great man that I married.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fun at the Baby Doctor

Well, today was my monthly check up to see how baby Keown is doing. As my doctor put it, it was a 'boring' appointment, but Josh went with me anyway. I love scheduling 8am appointments with my doctor because then I am out of there in a timely fashion. Otherwise, we are there for at least an hour and a half.

The way my doctors office works, is you come in, check-in, and then sit in a waiting room only to be called back to sit in YOUR physicians waiting room (odd I know). So, we get back there, they always make you pee in a cup (which is ALWAYS eventful for me), and then you sit and wait. Well, we got called back to our waiting area and I took off my jacket and sat it in the chair next to Josh and went to the bathroom. When I came out, Josh was looking at me crazy, and the only thing I could imagine was that I pee'd on myself or something. I get to him and he touches my stomach and says "Is that your belly button?". SHEW! Yes, it was my belly button. My belly button, that has in the last couple of weeks decided to 'make an appearance'. It hasn't quite popped out yet, but it's getting there. I told Josh that we should take bets as to when and if it'll pop out.

We got called back into the room and my FAVORITE thing ever, is the first thing. Taking my weight. Of course, Josh is sitting right where he can see the number. I GASPED. Up EIGHT (8) pounds. What in the world?! After I started breathing again, the nurse took my blood pressure and giggled on her way out the door because Josh was making jokes about my weight gain. After we were in the room alone, he helped me cope with the recent increase with saying things like, 'well you have only gained 8 pounds since you've been pregnant', or 'You're having a baby so it's really ok, it's expected' and throw in a below the belt comment about how if I kept gaining at this rate, i'd weigh as much as him by the time I delivered... thanks dear! Then he started giggling about my belly button again. And in no time, the doctor was in our room. She immediately comes to me with a piece of paper and says "Let me show you something" and points to a lovely 8+ and just looks at me. I said "not good huh?" Her response, "not good. We need to slow it down". Yes ma'am.

We continued with the appointment. Listened to Baby Keown's precious heartbeat, which is strong as ever and still the sweetest sound I think I've ever heard. Measure my stomach. Or as Josh and I call it, my 'speed bump' (because when I lay down, it just looks like a little hump). Which is measuring right on que with my weeks.Then she answered some questions and told us bye. As she was walking out the door, she looked back and said "And remember, decrease those calories". When she closed the door, Josh BUST out laughing. He said "you got your hand smacked!" HA. Yes I did. Guess those desserts lately are not my friend after all. Guess I'll have to be more cautious with my eating. 8lbs in 4 weeks, does not make the doctor happy.

So that was our trip to the doctor today. Josh also told me that I now look pregnant. I would hope so by 23 weeks. And I keep getting random texts and phone calls asking me how my hand is, since I 'got it smacked' this morning by the doctor. He is such a turd. I guess if it's true what they say, that a way to a womans heart is to make her laugh, well, in the last two days, I've fallin more in love with him. The boy has kept me laughing.

Friday, March 2, 2012

23 Weeks

How far along? 22 weeks 6 days
Total Weight Gain: 6 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Still just 3 shirts and one pair of pants. I can still wear most of my pre-pregnancy clothes. THANK YOU BELLY BAND!
Stretch Marks: Not yet, fingers crossed I don't get them.
Best Moment this Week: Laying in the bed with Josh starring at my stomach just waiting to see baby move.
Miss Anything: Not having food aversions.
Movement: All the time. I think we have a future soccer player in there!
Food Cravings: Fruit. I can't get enough of it. And not just any fruit, juicy fruits. Peaches, Plums, Pineapples.. mmmm.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still just meat. I can eat it most times, but the thought and smell and sometimes eating it... YUCK!
Gender: Only time will tell :O)
Labor Signs:  Nope
Symptoms: Short of breath a lot more this week. My ankles (or kankles as Josh calls them) have been swelling almost daily. I'm pretty sure it is due to me sitting so much at work.
Belly button in or out: In... until you push on my stomach and then it pops out. So gross! Haha!
Wedding Rings on or off? Still on and still have a little room.
Happy or Moody most of the time? usually happy. . . And tired!
Looking forward too: Our busy March. We have a doctors appointment, and 3 baby related classes (Baby care basics, Breast feeding 101 (which I am giong to with a friend. Josh didn't want to go. HA!) and Infant CPR and Safety).